Finding time to enjoy your yard

If you are lucky enough to have a beautiful yard it makes sense to use this extra space. Here are some ideas to help enjoy your surroundings more. 

Get a gardening service

If you have to spend a lot of time maintaining your yard you may stop enjoying it as much and avoid spending time there as it reminds you of all the work you need to do. The answer can be to get a regular gardening service. Not only are they often more efficient than you as they know what to do, it can also be cost effective as you don't need to buy all of the equipment to maintain a garden such as edge trimmers. Your garden might also start looking better as a gardening service can keep up with annual tasks you might not remember such as fertilising plants, planting annual seeds and doing pruning of trees and bushes. 

Encourage local wildlife

Another way to make your yard an interesting place to stay is to plant some Australian natives and have feeding plants and boxes for birds and native animals. You may notice different visitors during the different seasons, and at different times of the night and day. It can be a lovely way to observe the changing seasons and admire both the loud and vigorous visitors as well as quieter birds and animals that you may not normally notice. Try asking your local nursery or heading into the library to check what kinds of animals you might be able to attract and what plants or foods they may like. 

Choose some comfortable outdoor furniture

Some garden furniture looks great but is not comfortable. Sometimes the best way to find out what is missing is to try and sit in your yard for 30 minutes and have a light meal and snack. That way you can see if the seats are comfortable, the table steady and the general ambience pleasant. If not you can work out some answers to fix problems, such as tablecloths for outdoor tables, cushions for uncomfortable chairs or shade to keep the sun out of your eyes. Often by making some small changes you can make your yard a great place to sit and have a beautiful breakfast or a cup of tea while enjoying the fresh air and beautiful surrounding. 

Good luck with transforming your garden into a usable outdoor living area. 

About Me

Reducing my garden's water use

It's astonishing how much of my household's water use goes into our garden. It seems really crazy to be pouring drinking water on the garden when Australia is such a dry country. I am pulling out some of my water hungry plants and replacing our landscaping with some more water efficient plants and a grey water reticulation system. This is hopefully going to make our garden much more water efficient but it still looking great. This blog is all about some of the simple, and more complex, ways that you can reduce the amount of water that you use in the garden.

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