Make Sure You Understand How to Identify and Kill Lawn Grubs

Lawn grubs have become a real menace, and you need to make sure you can identify their presence and cope with an infestation. These grubs are laid in your lawn by adult moths. Once the larvae develop they start eating as much grass as they can in order to grow. They then turn into moths themselves, and the whole process starts again as they themselves start to lay new eggs.

As you might be able to imagine, what starts as just a few lawn grubs can rapidly grow into a large infestation; even well-established turf can be affected, while newly established turf may be completely destroyed.

How Can You Check for Lawn Grubs?

Now that you understand just how bad lawn grubs can be for your lawn, you need to make sure you will be able to spot them.

Signs of lawn grubs include:

  • Increased Bird Activity: Birds enjoy feasting on lawn grubs just as much as the grubs enjoy feasting on your lawn, so pay attention to whether your garden is attracting them more than normal.
  • Small Greyish Moths: It can be tricky to actually see the moths that lay those troublesome eggs since they tend to keep quite close to the surface of the lawn; your best chance to catch them is by inspecting the grass around dusk.
  • Brown Patches: There are several reasons why your lawn might develop brown spots, but lawn grubs are one of the most common. Patches that stay brown after treatment are particularly likely to have been affected. Try lifting the grass; if it lifts easily, lawn grubs are to blame thanks to their consumption of the roof system.

You can also use the hessian sack method. Simply wet a piece of sacking and drape it over an area of your lawn that you suspect has been infested. The wet material should draw grubs during the night. You can also flood a small portion of the lawn, which should bring your unwanted guests to the surface.

Keep in mind that lawn grub activity tends to peak during the warmer months, particularly after periods of heavy rain, and that they usually choose to attack the healthiest lawns since these provide the best nutrition.

How Can You Kill Lawn Grubs?

Killing lawn grubs is a pretty straightforward matter. Most people will only need to use a grub killer spray. However, you should remember to check that the spray you use is suitable for your exact variety of grass if you want to avoid damage. Additionally, keep in mind that it can take several applications to kill off the infestation entirely.

If you prefer using more natural methods to cope with the problem, milky spore, neem oil, and nematodes are all viable options. For more information, contact a local turf supplies company.

About Me

Reducing my garden's water use

It's astonishing how much of my household's water use goes into our garden. It seems really crazy to be pouring drinking water on the garden when Australia is such a dry country. I am pulling out some of my water hungry plants and replacing our landscaping with some more water efficient plants and a grey water reticulation system. This is hopefully going to make our garden much more water efficient but it still looking great. This blog is all about some of the simple, and more complex, ways that you can reduce the amount of water that you use in the garden.

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